3. Mr. Big - Just Take My Heart [Acoustic] / A: Lean Into It (1991)
Flashback 1992 - Donnerstag 07.11.2024 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Cloudy hat geschrieben: 13 Aug 2024, 20:09
Guten Abend und grüß Gott!
Flashback 1992 - Donnerstag 07.11.2024 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Zuletzt geändert von Sunny am 13 Aug 2024, 20:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Flashback 1992 - Donnerstag 07.11.2024 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young
Mozza hat geschrieben: 13 Aug 2024, 20:12
Gefällt mir auch ganz gut; wobei ich fetter aufgetragen dann noch mehr mag, da achte ich dann nicht so auf die Kalorien...
Flashback 1992 - Donnerstag 07.11.2024 21 Uhr
——– „People can go out and hear REM if they want deep lyrics; but at the end of the night, they want to go home and get fucked! That’s where AC/DC comes into it.“ Malcolm Young